BULLETIN               14 OCTOBER 2007



Saturday 13 October

Confession on request from 4.30 to 5.15 pm  
Vigil Mass at 5.30 pm

Sunday 14 October
Sunday Mass at 10.00 am
Sunday Mass at 12.00 noon
Monday 15 October
Mass at 10.00 am for Father Alastair Tosh  
Tuesday 16 October
Mass at 10.00 am for Rena McKnight
Wednesday 17 October
Mass at 10.00 am for Jim Rock
Thursday 18 October
Mass at 7.00 pm for Mary McAtee
Friday 19 October
Mass at 10.00 am for Bert Young
Saturday 20 October
Mass at 10.00 am for Tom Adamson


Sunday 14 October
10.00 am
10.00 am
11.00 am
2.00 pm

Children's Liturgy
Sacramental Preparation
Tea and Coffee after Mass
Birthday Party

Monday 15 October
7.00 pm
7.00 to 8.00 pm

Saint Vincent de Paul Society  
Weight Watchers

Tuesday 16 October
1.00 to 3.00 pm
7.00 pm
7.00 pm
7.30 pm
Thursday Club
Saint Anne's Guild
Keep Fit
Legion of Mary
Wednesday 17 October
1.30 to 4.30 pm
7.00 to 9.00 pm
Key Housing
Barakuda Karate
Thursday 18 October
2.00 to 3.00 pmCardiac Rehabilitation
Saturday 20 October
7.00 pm
Private Party

Please remember in your prayers:
   Seamus Young, Stephen McPolin and Helen Boyle who died recently;
   James McKay 1992, John McGowan 2002, John McPolin 1944,
   Hannah Burns 2002, Agnes Anderson 2001, Mary McAtee 2006,
   Michael McManus 1961, Margaret McHugh 2002, Patrick McQuade 1998,
   and David McHugh 1967 whose anniversaries occur at this time;
   and Kendall Phillips and Ross Shuck Conaghan who were baptised recently.

Last weekend's collection amounted to £760.48 - many thanks. Banker's Orders amount to an average of £4300 per month. Each month £4000 is repaid to the Diocese for the building loan and levy.

Paying your collection by monthly or quarterly banker's order makes money handling much safer. Banker's Order forms are available in the porch.


Last weekend's collection for the Parish Centre amounted to £326.69 - many thanks.

The annual Mission Sunday collection will take place next weekend. In order that your donation may be Gift Aided, forms are available at the stall.

The Singing Children of Africa will be performing in the Church on Sunday 14 October at 6.00 pm. Tickets costing £4 are available from the stall or Marie-Anne. Tea and coffee will be available in the Parish Centre. All proceeds from this concert will go to The Singing Children of Africa Appeal.

During the month of October, the Thursday Club will lead the Rosary before the weekday morning Mass.

Child Protection training will be held in the Parish Centre on Sunday 4 November from 2.00 - 3.30 pm.
Saint Vincent de Paul Society members, Eucharistic Ministers, Sacristans and Children's Liturgy Helpers are all required to attend. All other parishioners would be very welcome as a good presentation will be offered raising awareness of this very important subject.

The Child Protection Rules from Disclosure Scotland mean that parents who have not been through the disclosure process are not able to take part in the Liturgy in the Parish Centre. If you have not filled in the disclosure form then simply take your child to the group and leave them. If you think your child will not settle, then you might have to wait for a month or two until you think they are ready to be left. The simplest way to deal with this is to get a disclosure form and go on the rota. More helpers make for a better rota.

Thursday Club is having its annual Coffee Morning on Saturday 3 November at 10.30 am in the Parish Centre. There will be the usual stalls - bric-a-brac, books, fancy goods, toys, home baking and so on. Donations would be very much appreciated. Tickets cost £1. The Parish Centre will be open on Friday 2 November from 1.00 to 6.00 pm to receive donations.

The annual Ceilidh for Galloway Lourdes Hospitalité will take place on Friday 16 November at 7.30 pm in the Volunteer Rooms, Irvine with the Oran Mor Ceilidh Band. Tickets costing £7.50 and including a light supper are available from Maureen or Anne.

The Inter Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Holy Land will take place from 4 to 13 November 2008, flying directly from Glasgow and staying in both Bethlehem and Nazareth. The cost is £735. Full details are in a brochure which is available at the stall.

Have you every wanted to know a little bit more about your Catholic Faith? Do you want a forum for discussion? Do you want to take part in a group looking for information, answers and support? Echoes might be the answer. It will take place throughout the Diocese on a once a month basis. Our nearest centre is Saint Winin's Church Hall, Kilwinning on the third Tuesday of every month from 7.30 to 9.00 pm. Just turn up - it is free of charge.

A box is available in the Porch for baby goods, talcum powder, lotion, bottles, shampoo and so on. Please contact Josephine if you can help.

As a result of funding being made available by the Scottish Government, the North Ayrshire Adult Literacy Partnership is offering English Language classes to speakers of other languages. Places are limited and those interested should make contact free on 0800 180 4134. In addition, any native speakers looking for support with reading, writing, numeracy should also contact 0800 180 4134.
Na skutek fundusz trwajacy wykonane rozporzadzalny a propos Szkocki Rzad , ten Pólnoc Ayrshire Dorosly Umiejetnosc czytania i pisania Wspóludzial jest subskrypcja akcji Jezyk angielski Klasy wobec mówiacy od inny jezyki. Miejsca jestescie spólka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia i ów zainteresowanie powinien zrobic nawiazywac kontakt wolny u 0800 180 4134. W dodatek, wszelki rodzinny mówiacy patrzac pod katem poprzec rezygnowac czytanie, pismo, policzalny powinien takze nawiazywac kontakt 0800 180 4134.

   14 October
      3 to 5 Year Olds: Julie and Elaine
      Primary 1 to 3: Marko and Marianne

      Primary 4: Catherine Anne and Carol Ann
   21 Octo ber
      3 to 5 Year Olds: Ann and Gayle
      Primary 1 to 3: Andrena and Theresa

      Primary 4: Wendy and Christine

Lord, you know I am growing older. Keep me from becoming talkative and possessed with the idea that I must express myself on every subject.
Release me from the craving to straighten out everyone's affairs. Keep me from the recital of endless detail. Give me wings to get to the point.
Seal my lips when I am inclined to tell of my aches and pains. They are increasing with the years and my love to speak of them grows sweeter as time goes by. Teach me the glorious lesson that occasionally I may be wrong. Make me thoughtful but not nosey; helpful but not bossy. With my vast store of wisdom and experience it does seem a pity not to use it all. But You know, Lord, that I want a few friends at the end. Amen.

  Some folk are wise and some are otherwise.  

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.

The readings for this weekend's Masses are shown below in English. They are available in eleven other languages
including French, German, Italian, Polish and Spanish by clicking on this link.

First Reading           2 Kings 5:14-17
Naaman the leper went down and immersed himself seven times in the Jordan, as Elisha had told him to do. And his flesh became clean once more like the flesh of a little child. Returning to Elisha with his whole escort, he went in and stood before him. Now I know he said that there is no God in all the earth except in Israel. Now, please, accept a present from your servant. But Elisha replied, As the Lord lives, whom I serve, I will accept nothing. Naaman pressed him to accept, but he refused. Then Naaman said, Since your answer is No, allow your servant to be given as much earth as two mules may carry, because your servant will no longer offer holocaust or sacrifice to any god except the Lord.

Second Reading           Timothy 2:8-13
Remember the Good News that I carry. 'Jesus Christ risen from the dead, sprung from the race of David'; it is on account of this that I have my own hardships to bear, even to being chained like a criminal - but they cannot chain up God's news. So I bear it all for the sake of those who are chosen, so that in the end they may have the salvation that is in Christ Jesus and the eternal glory that comes with it. Here is a saying that you can rely on: If we have died with him, then we shall live with him. If we hold firm, then we shall reign with him. If we disown him, then he will disown us. We may be unfaithful, but he is always faithful, for he cannot disown his own self.

Gospel           Luke 17:11-19
On the way to Jerusalem Jesus travelled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. As he entered one of the villages, ten lepers came to meet him. They stood some way off and called to him, "Jesus! Master! Take pity on us." When he saw them he said, "Go and show yourselves to the priests." Now as they were going away they were cleansed. Finding himself cured, one of them turned back praising God at the top of his voice and threw himself at the feet of Jesus and thanked him. The man was a Samaritan. This made Jesus say, "Were not all ten made clean? The other nine, where are they? It seems that no one has come back to give praise to God, except this foreigner." And he said to the man, "Stand up and go on your way. Your faith has saved you.".