BULLETIN              23 MARCH 2014



Saturday 22 March  

No Mass in Saint Peter's - Canon Matt is conducting the HMS Dasher service on the Arran Ferry
Vigil Mass at 5.30 pm for Sadie McGrotty and Patrick McDonald

Sunday 23 March  

Sunday Mass at 10.30 am for the congregation
HMS Dasher service in the Sunken Gardens across from the Church at 11.30
Hour of Prayer in
Saint Mary’s, Irvine at 4.00 pm

Monday 24 March  

Mass at 10.00 am for Isabella Connor

Tuesday 25 March  

Solemnity of the Annunciation
Mass at 10.00 am for Victor Donald

Wednesday 26 March  

Mass at 10.00 am for Gus Slimman

Thursday 27 March  

Mass at 7.00 pm for Sadie McGrotty

Friday 28 March  

Stations of the Cross at 9.40 am
Mass at 10.00 am for Emily McLaughlin

Saturday 29 March  

Mass at 10.00 am for Annie McQuade
Vigil Mass at 5.30 pm for Kieran Farmer

The Mass intention list is just over two weeks ahead. Please notify anniversaries as early as you can. Thanks.
Any changes to the above times caused, for example, by a funeral will be notified on the home page of this website.


Sunday 23 March  

11.30 am

Tea and Coffee after Mass

Monday 24 March  
9.30 to 11.30 pm
6.30 pm
6.30 to 8.00 pm
7.00 to 9.00 pm

Parents and Toddlers
Saint Vincent de Paul Society

Tuesday 25 March  
9.00 to 11.00 am
11.00 am
6.30 to 8.30 pm
5.00 to 7.30 pm

Cardiac Rehabilition
Legion of Mary
Cardio 40 Toning
Irish Dancing Class

Wednesday 26 March  
6.00 to 8.00 pm
7.00 to 8.00 pm
8.00 to 9.00 pm

Irish Dancing Class
Cardio 40 Toning

Thursday 27 March  
6.00 to 7.30 pm
7.30 to 9.00 pm


Friday 28 March  
9.30 to 11.30 am

Parents and Toddlers

Saturday 29 March  
1.00 pm Private Function

Please remember in your prayers:
Alistair Malloy (Glasgow), a former altar server in Saint Peter's who died recently;
Hugh Conway 1976, Sister Immanuel CP 2002, Terence McCarroll, Patrick McDermott 1973, Agnes McLaren 1994, Isabella Connor 1959,
James and Ellen McCarroll 1977, Brenda Simons 2008, Don Foley, Felix Gallagher 2010, Anna Bates 1997, Terry McCabe 2005, Moira Rafferty, Rebecca Walsh 2008, The Crew of HMS Dasher 1943, Gerald McGhee 2008, Devlin McIndoe 1992, Allister Nesbit 2000, Menotti Carrino 1953, Odina Carrino 1987, Monsignor Stephen Kennedy 2009 whose anniversaries occur at this time and those who are sick.
If a member of your family or a friend is sick, please let us know and give us the details. Deacon Bill Corbett (01292 521208, 07904 248948, Rev.BillCorbett@btinternet.com) is the chaplain to Crosshouse Hospital and Canon Keegans (01292 263488) is the chaplain to Ayr Hospital. The priest on call can be contacted through the ward.
If deceased members of your family are not on our anniversary list, please tell Canon Matt
, the parish office or contact

Sunday Mass times in Saint Peter's are 5.30 pm Vigil and 10.30 am. Sunday Mass times in other local parishes can be seen here.

The Sacrament of Forgiveness is available at any suitable time as well as from 4.30 pm before the Vigil Mass on Saturday evenings.

Bankers Orders for the parish and Parish Centre amount to £3800 per month. Every month, we pay a levy of £1450 to the Diocese. We are grateful for your generous support in collections. If you can manage a little more from time to time, it would be a great help. Have you thought of using a Bankers Order? It assists us with the safe handling of cash. Banker's Orders for the Parish and Centre amount to an average of £3800 per month. Forms are available. Would you consider remembering Saint Peter's in your will?

Last weekend's Offertory collection amounted to £721.99 - many thanks.

Last weekend's Building Fund collection amounted to £335.04. An extra donation of £40 was also received - many thanks.

The Inland Revenue now requires us to use a new style of Gift Aid form. These are available at the back of the Church and on the parish website. If you pay tax, please complete the new form and return it to the box provided. This allows us to provide the additional information required on the Gift Aid claim. Gift Aid is a vital source of income. All that is needed is that you pay tax. You simply declare that you give funds to the Church. We do the rest. Why not sign a form today? We get back an extra 25p for every £1 you give the Church in your weekly collection or by way of a donation. There is no need to cancel or renew it. We simply claim in the income we receive.

Next weekend's readers are Margaret Munn at 5.30 pm and Angela Body at 10.30 am.

Next weekend's altar servers are Aidan and Calum at 5.30 pm and Group 4 at 10.30 am.

Next Sunday's teas will be served by Fiona Brown’s team.

Next week's Children's Liturgy helpers are Geraldine Butcher and Elese McCormack for the pre-fives, Michelle Morton and Kimberley Boyd for primaries 1 and 2, Maria Paterson and George Kidd for primary 3 and Andrena Hughes and Emma Paterson for primary 4.

Lent is a time of prayer, penance and sharing as we prepare for Easter. It is a time to renew our efforts to pray better, to do without the things we don’t really need and to share what we have with those who are more in need. Try to make a little more time for prayer. If you can make the weekday Mass, it would be good for the soul. If you can fast a little, it would be good for the body. If you can share a bit more, for example, in the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF) boxes, it will be good for our poorest brothers and sisters. During Lent, we will make the Way of the Cross on a Friday at 9.40 am before Mass. As well as our services noted above, there is Mass in
Saint Mary's, Saltcoats at 7.00 am on a Friday morning and Stations of the Cross at 6.30 pm on a Friday evening.

There will be Lenten Penance Services in
Saint Mary's, Saltcoats on Wednesday 2 April at 2.00 pm
   Saint John’s, Stevenston on Wednesday 2 April at 7.00 pm
   Saint Peter’s, Ardrossan on Thursday 3 April at 7.00 pm.

There will be an hour of Taize Prayer for Lent in Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church in South Crescent Road on Tuesday 25 March at 7.30 pm.

The Deanary Priests are meeting regularly to discuss Embracing Change, the leaflet issued recently on our way forward. After Lent, we hope to be in a position to engage with as many of you as are able to be there to work on a plan. During Lent, we want to invite you to pray about the future when we will have less priests but more needs. We are suggesting a Sunday early evening Hour of Prayer in the participating parishes of the Deanery from 4.00 to 5.00 pm. The remaining dates are
23 March - Saint Mary’s, Irvine; 30 March - Saint Mary’s, Largs; 6 April - Saint Peter’s, Ardrossan and 13 April - Saint John’s, Stevenston.

Poverty doesn’t happen by accident. People are kept poor, hungry and powerless by global rules and behaviours that benefit a small number of people while harming many others. What we eat and how we shop make a difference. Take action with SCIAF this Lent
and make choices that help poor people in developing countries.

In Colombia, people are being forced off their land by rich cattle farmers and illegal mining companies. SCIAF is working with Church partners to help communities grow enough food to eat and stand up for their human rights. Visit www.TheWeeBox.org for their inspirational stories.

There will be Confessions and Mass in Polish in Saint Margaret’s Cathedral, Ayr on Palm Sunday, 13 March at 3.00 pm.
Palmowa niedziela, 13 Kwiecien 2014, Godzina 15.00.

“At times, we have to be like the father of the prodigal son who always keeps his door open so that when the son returns, he can readily pass through it. One concrete sign of such openness is that our Church doors should always be open so that if someone, moved by the
Spirit, comes there looking for God, he or she will not find a closed door.” - Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, 46,47. The doors of Saint Quivox Church, Prestwick will be open between 5.00 pm on Friday 28 and 5.00 pm on Saturday 29 March. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available continuously during that period and the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed throughout with the exception of 10.00 am Mass on Saturday morning.

Evening Prayer of the Church will be sung in Saint Margaret’s Cathedral, Ayr on Sunday 6 April at 6.00 pm. You will be very welcome.

The aircraft carrier,
HMS Dasher, sank off Ardrossan shore on 27 March 1943. There will be a Memorial Service in the Sunken Gardens, across the road from the Church, on Sunday 23 March at 11.30 am to mark the seventy-first anniversary of the sinking. Everyone is welcome. Tea and coffee will be served after the service as well as after 10.30 am Mass.

50/50 CLUB
The contact for the 50/50 Club is Myriame Sammons on 469006.

MacMillan Cancer Care Support is holding a Coffee Morning in the Parish Centre on Satruday 12 April from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm. Tickets are available at the door. There will be more information later.

During Holy Week, 14 to 18 April, there will be short morning prayer services in the Park Church, Ardrossan. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, our Mass will be at 9.00 am instead of 10.00 am.

The Passover Meal will be on Monday 14 April at 7.00 pm in the Parish Centre as part of Ardrossan Churches Holy Week Services.

During Lent, the
Saint Vincent de Paul Society is once again asking you to donate both male and female toiletries for use in the Ozanam Centre in Glasgow. The Ozanam Centre assists the homeless, both male and female so any donations of toiletries would be very gratefully received. A box will be in the Church porch for any donations and we hope that we can rely on your usual very generous support. Thank you.

We have an Italian Night planned for Saturday 10 May. Music will be provided by Angela and Paolo and food by Gratiano and Alfredo. A vegetarian option is available if pre-booked. This is a Charity Night and the proceeds are for the Parish and the Clinic run by Dr Lido Stefani in Rwanda, Africa. This retired surgeon has dedicated his life to working with very poor people who have few medical facilities. Attendance is limited to the first one hundred. Tickets cost £15 and will be available soon. Book now by phone. We have to ask you to pay for your tickets on receipt. Too many book tickets for events and then being unable to attend, don’t pay and the food is already purchased.

The eco-council of Saint Peter’s Primary School would like to enrol you in their Beach Clean-Up on Sunday 27 April after the Family Mass.

Are you visiting us for Mass? Please know that you are very welcome. During the 10.30 am Mass outwith holidays, there is a Children’s Liturgy provided for preschool children, children in Primaries 1 to 3 and a Sacramental Programme for children in Primary 4. After the 10.30 am Mass, tea, coffee cakes and buns are available in the Parish Centre. At both of our weekend Masses, we have a second collection for our Parish Centre debt.

Our advertisers would welcome your support. We are grateful for their continuing sponsorship. We are grateful for the support of Mr and Mrs Sohal, Nisa Stores, Glasgow Street for the weekly donation of tea, coffee and milk for the Sunday teas.

Grateful thanks to Saint Clare for favours received. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised, adored and glorified and loved today and every day throughout the world. Amen. DJ

The Catholic Church in Scotland is concerned with the lives, safety, wholeness and well-being of each individual person within God's purpose for everyone. It seeks to safeguard the welfare of people of all ages who are involved in whatever capacity
with the Church and its organisations. As a Church community, we accept that it is the responsibility of all of us, ordained, professed, paid and voluntary members, to work together to prevent the physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect of children, young people and vulnerable adults.