BULLETIN                     11 MARCH 2018


Saturday 10 March  

Feast of Saint John Ogilvie
Holy Mass at 10.00am for Cosimo and Arturo Farro
Vigil Mass of Sunday at 5.30pm for Helen Brown

Sunday 11 March  

Fourth Sunday of Lent
Sunday Mass at 10.30am for the congregation

Monday 12 March  

Holy Mass at 10.00am for Julie Paterson

Tuesday 13 March  

Anniversary of the Election of Pope Francis in 2013
Stations of the Cross at 9.30am
Holy Mass at 10.00am for Robert Cavens

Wednesday 14 March  

Holy Mass at 10.00am for Paddy McGill

Thursday 15 March  

Requiem Mass at 10.30am for Rita McDermid

Friday 16 March  

Mass at 10.00am for George Reid
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction at 11.00am

Saturday 17 March  

Feast of Saint Patrick
Holy Mass at 10.00am for Rita McDermid
Vigil Mass of Sunday at 5.30pm for Ian Trayner and Rose Trayner

The Holy Mass intention list is just over two weeks ahead. Please notify anniversaries as early as you can. Thanks.
Any changes to the above times caused, for example, by a funeral will be notified on the home page of this website.

Saturday 10 March  
Vigil Mass at 4.30pm

Holy Mass at 10.00am

Sunday 11 March  
Sunday Mass at 10.00am

Sunday Mass at 11.30am

Monday 12 March  
Service at 10.00am Holy Mass at 10.00am
Tuesday 13 March  
Holy Mass at 10.00am
Requiem Mass at 1.30pm
Service at 10.00am
Wednesday 14 March  
  Holy Mass at 10.00am
Thursday 15 March  
Service at 10.00am Holy Mass at 10.00am
Friday 16 March  
Holy Mass at 10.00am Requiem Mass at 1.00pm
Saturday 17 March  
Vigil Mass at 4.30pm

Holy Mass at 10.00am

Sunday 11 March  


Tea and Coffee after Holy Mass

Monday 12 March  
9.30 to 11.30am
5.30 to 6.30pm
6.30 to 8.00pm
6.45 to 8.15pm

Parents and Toddlers
Saint Vincent de Paul Society

Tuesday 13 March  
9.00 to 11.00am

Cardiac Rehabilitation
Irish Dancing

Wednesday 14 March  
Irish Dancing
Ignatian Prayer Group
Thursday 15 March  

Friday 16 March  
9.30 to 11.30am Parents and Toddlers

Please remember in your prayers:
Rita McDermid who died recently;
Helen Brown 2013, Peter McGlone 2016, Agnes Scott 1990, Monsignor Edward Traynor 2006, Lilia Agostini 1969, Mary Andrew 1957, Hessie Hyslop 1998, Jean Walker 2001, Grace Jamieson 2005, Canon Charles Matthews 1996 shown right, Doris McNamara 2010, Catherine Stewart 2004, Victor Donald 1985, Mary Gribben 2012, Susan Heaney 1956, Martha Pentleton 1984, Billy Shanks 2015, Janie Aitken 1989, Michael Reilly 2013 and Ian Trayner 2008 whose anniversaries occur at this time and those who are sick.
If deceased members of your family are not on our anniversary list, please tell Father Duncan
, the parish office or contact WebsiteAuthor@SaintPeterinChains.net.

Sunday Mass times in Saint Peter's are 5.30 pm Vigil and 10.30 am. Sunday Mass times in other local parishes can be seen here.

The Sacrament of Forgiveness is celebrated on Saturdays between 4.45 and 5.15 pm and at other times on request.

If a member of your family or a friend is sick, please let us know and give us the details. Deacon Bill Corbett (01292 521208, 07904 248948, Rev.BillCorbett@btinternet.com) is the chaplain to Crosshouse Hospital and is assisted by the priest on call each week.

Bankers Orders for the Parish and Parish Centre amount to £3500 per month. We are grateful for your generous support in collections. If you can manage a little more from time to time, it would be a great help. A Standing Order would make the handling of money so much easier. Have you signed a Gift Aid form? If you are a taxpayer the Church would get 25p added to every £1 you donate.

Last weekend's Offertory collection amounted to £624.06 and the Maintenance Fund collection to £252.97 - thanks.

The Inland Revenue now requires us to use a new style of Gift Aid form. These are available at the back of the Church and on the parish website. If you pay tax, please complete the new form and return it to the box provided. This allows us to provide the additional information required on the Gift Aid claim. Gift Aid is a vital source of income. All that is needed is that you pay tax. You simply declare that you give funds to the Church. We do the rest. Why not sign a form today? We get back an extra 25p for every £1 you give the Church in your weekly collection or by way of a donation. There is no need to cancel or renew it. We simply claim in the income we receive.

Our parish records are covered by the Data Protection Act and are for parish use only. We cannot give out phone numbers or addresses. Please help us to keep our records up to date using the cards provided.

Next weekend's readers are Julie Coldwell at 5.30pm and Peter Brawley at 10.30am.

Next weekend's altar servers are Group 1 at 5.30pm and Group 4 at 10.30am.

Next weekend's musicians are the choir at 5.30pm and John and Phil McKenzie at 10.30am.

Next week's Children's Liturgy helpers are Jacqueline Waugh for the pre-fives, Andrena Hughes and Emily Tarbet for Primaries 1, 2 and 3 and Jacqueline Smith and Maria Paterson-Kidd for Primary 4.

Tea and coffee will be served after the 10.30am Mass next Sunday in the Parish Centre by Sharon McLaughlin's team.

Please pray for the Repose of the Soul of Rita McDermid who died recently. Her Requiem Mass will be on Thursday 15 March at 10.30am. May she rest in peace and rise in glory!

Pope Francis' Prayer for March is for formation - that the Church may appreciate the urgency of formation in spiritual discernment, both on the personal and community levels.

Confession is the sacrament of the examined Christian life. It is the sacrament of recognised enlightenment. The life we embraced and committed ourselves to live at baptism was the life of disciples - students and imitators of the life of Jesus Christ. So often people are not just confessing sins - they're confessing how far they've fallen short of the ideals they set for themselves. Looking at our faults and failures in this way and coming to realise that Jesus loves us and is always ready to forgive and strengthen us, opens a path to re-embracing the power and beauty of this sacrament. Pope Francis has called for Catholics to return to this sacrament of Jesus' welcome. Each time we seek forgiveness we grow closer to the God who has always loved us and always will. This is an inspiring message for us all especially during the Lenten season. Reconciliation Services will be held just before Holy Week on:
  - Monday 12 March in
Saint John’s Church, Stevenston at 7.00pm
  - Tuesday 13 March in Saint Peter's Church, Ardrossan at 6.00pm
  - Wednesday 14 March in
Saint Mary's Church, Saltcoats at 2.00pm.

This Saturday, we will cover the crosses and images in the Church as we approach the Holy Week. Crosses remained covered until the end of the Lord's Passion on Good Friday. Statues remained covered until the beginning of the Easter Vigil. The crosses and images are covered so that we can see them with 'new eyes' in the light of the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus.

Evening Prayer of the Church will be sung in Saint Margaret's Cathedral, Ayr, on Sunday, 18 March at 6.00pm. You will be very welcome.

What makes a good mother anyway? Is it patience? Compassion? The ability to nurse a baby, cook dinner and sew a button on a shirt, all at the same time? Or is it heart? Is it the ache you feel when you see your child disappear down the street, walking to school alone for the very first time? The jolt that takes you from sleep to dread, from bed to cradle at 2am, to put your hand on the back of a sleeping baby? The need to flee from wherever you are and hug your child when you hear news of a child's murder, a fire, a car crash, a baby dying? So this is for all the mothers who sat down with their children and explained all about the facts of life - and for all the mothers who wanted to, but just couldn't. This is for reading The Hungry Caterpillar twice a night for a year - and then reading it again 'just one more time.' This is for all the mothers who get it wrong. Who yell at their kids in the supermarket and smack them in despair and stomp their feet like a tired two-year-old who wants ice cream before dinner. This is for all the mothers who taught their daughters to tie their shoelaces before they started school - and for all the mothers who opted for velcro instead. For all the mothers who bite their lips sometimes until they bleed when their fourteen-year-olds dye their hair green. Who lock themselves in the bathroom when babies keep crying and won't stop. This is for all the mothers who turn up at work with spit in their hair and milk stains on their shoulders and disposable nappies in their bag. This is for all the mothers who teach their sons to cook and their daughters to kick a ball. This is for all mothers whose heads turn automatically when a little voice calls "Mum?" in a crowd even though they know their own offspring are at home. This is for mothers who put windmills and teddy bears on their children's graves. This is for mothers whose children have gone astray, who can't find the words to reach them. This is for all the mothers who gave life to their babies, only to give up their babies in the hopes of a better life. This is for all the mothers who couldn't bear children of their own and who love the children given to them as if they were their own. This is for all the mothers who sent their sons to school with stomach aches, assuring them they'd be just fine once they got there, only to get calls from the school an hour later asking them to please pick them up right away. This is for young mothers stumbling through nappy changes and sleep deprivation - and mature mothers learning to let go. For working mothers and stay-at-home mothers. Single mothers and married mothers. Birth mothers and adoptive mothers. Mothers with money. Mothers without. This is for you all!

• Father Duncan answers the phone. Hello, is this Father Duncan? It is. This is the Tax Office. Can you help us? I can. Do you know a Hamish McTaggart? I do. Is he a member of your congregation? He is. Did he donate £10000 to the church? He will!
• After explaining the commandment to honour your father and mother, a primary teacher asked her class if there was a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters. One boy, the oldest in his family, immediately answered"Thou shalt not kill."
• A father was reading Bible stories to his young son. He read "The man named Lot was warned to take his wife and flee out of the city but his wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt." His son asked "What happened to the flea?"

This Sunday, 11 March we will be praying in a special way for all our mothers, living and dead, and all those who have been like a mother to us in our lives. We will ask God to bless them in a special way.

Different repairs and alterations have been going on in Church over the past weeks. I am very grateful indeed for the parishioners who have been helping and getting everything right. The f
ormer Parish Priests plaque has been hung opposite the statue of Our Lady. The double doors leading to Parish Centre have been sandpapered so that they don't rub against the floor. Bulbs have been replaced behind the Tabernacle - very tricky. The back wall of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel has been repainted and the ceiling repaired. The various damp areas in the Church have been dried out, replastered and repainted. One of the original Sanctuary Lamp Stands has been returned from Kilwinning - very grateful to Father Magee. Obsolete pins and hooks have been removed from the large Crucifix. A Lenten purple light has been installed at the altar. A small spotlight has been installed for Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Fridays. A spotlight has been installed for the Jesus Icon behind the altar. Am electrical connection has been extended at the altar. Boiler number 2 has been repaired - again! A new light has been fitted in the stairwell to the Church basement. A holes in the car park has been filled with gravel. A beautiful processional cross found in the choir loft has been restored - and as usual our fantastic team of cleaners and polishers are keeping God's House in great condition. Remember to be careful when lighting candles that there is no spillage of wax on the carpets. Our cleaners will hold you in great esteem and be eternally grateful. Thank you!

You are invited to bring your family and friends to a fun-filled social evening on Saint Patrick's night, Saturday 17 March. This event is a Bring Your Own Bottle evening in the Parish Centre with the usual quiz, raffle and entertainment from George and Michael, shown below. Tickets can be purchased for £5 from any committee member or from the Parish Office. Contact Margaret on 464063 or Harry Sammons on 469006. Tickets are already selling so make sure you don't miss out.

The Parish Website Team have had its second meeting and decided on a design and information headings for our new parish website. Sincere thanks for all the hard work and commitment.

Councillor Joe Cullinane and Councillor Marie Burns will speak about the Council's response to poverty in North Ayrshire. The meeting is in Saint Mary's Parish Hall, Saltcoats on Wednesday 14 March at 7.30pm.

Congratulations to our 50/50 Club winners who each win £25 - 94 Monica Taylor, 172 Shiela Coulter, 201 Patsy Shiells and 202 Elizabeth Govan. New members are very welcome - just contact Parish Office on 464063 or the Promoter, Myriame Sammons on 469006. Membership costs £15 annually. A few members still have to renew their membership so please contact Promoter as soon as possible. We appreciate your continuing support of the parish. We started the Club in 1993 and the majority of our members have been with us over the twenty-five years - well done you.

Saint Vincent de Paul Society usually collects toiletries for the Ozanam Centre, Glasgow for homeless people during Lent. There is a box in the porch.

Due to retirement, Frank Coulter is no longer collecting baby items or furniture for Hillhouse Care in Kilmarnock. Thanks to everyone who has donated items for those in need or to sell in the charity shop. Hillhouse can be contacted directly on 01563 523362.

Since a few members still require to complete this Module 1, we have arranged a further two dates on Sunday 18 March from 2.00 to 3.30pm in Saint Winin's Church, Kilwinning and Wednesday 21 March from 7.00 to 8.30pm in
Saint Mary's Church, Saltcoats. This training is for our Deanery and will be delivered by our Deanery trainers.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation for the donation collected in your parish which will allow us to continue our outreach services and programs. You are always welcome here at Saint Elisabeth Convent. With deep gratitude and love.

Are you visiting us for Holy Mass? Please know that you are very welcome. During the 10.30 am Holy Mass outwith holidays, there is a Children’s Liturgy provided for preschool children, children in Primaries 1 to 3 and a Sacramental Programme for children in Primary 4. After the 10.30 am Holy Mass, tea, coffee cakes and buns are available in the Parish Centre. At both of our weekend Holy Masses, we have a second collection for Church maintenance.

Our advertisers would welcome your support. We are grateful for their continuing sponsorship. We are grateful for the support of Mr and Mrs Sohal, Nisa Stores, Glasgow Street for the weekly donation of tea, coffee and milk for the Sunday teas.

The Catholic Church in Scotland is concerned with the lives, safety, wholeness and well-being of each individual person within God's purpose for everyone. It seeks to safeguard the welfare of people of all ages who are involved in whatever capacity
with the Church and its organisations. As a Church community, we accept that it is the responsibility of all of us, ordained, professed, paid and voluntary members, to work together to prevent the physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect of children, young people and vulnerable adults.