BULLETIN                                              10 NOVEMBER 2019


Saturday 9 November  

Feast of The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Holy Mass at 10.00am for John Craig A
Thirty-Second Sunday of the Year
Vigil Mass at 5.30pm for deceased family members

Sunday 10 November  

Thirty-Second Sunday of the Year
Holy Mass at 10.30am for Saint Peter's congregation

Monday 11 November  

Memorial of Saint Martin of Tours
Holy Mass at 10.00am for Roddy Monan A and Anne Ward A

Tuesday 12 November  

Memorial of Saint Josephat
Holy Mass at 10.00am for Sister Rosa Lima Flongdusit RD and William Armstrong RD
Vigil of the Deceased at 6.00pm for Isobel Morrison

Wednesday 13 November  

Requiem Mass at 10.00am for Isobel Morrison

Thursday 14 November  

No Mass today

Friday 15 November  

Holy Mass at 10.00am for Mary McMillan SI and Oswald Schaeffer RD
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction at 10.30am

Saturday 16 November  

Feast of Saint Margaret
Holy Mass at 10.00am for Theresa Weideger SI
Thirty-Third Sunday of the Year
Vigil Mass at 5.30pm for Alice McGrattan A


Abbreviations - A anniversary, MM month's mind, RD recently deceased, SI special intention

The Holy Mass intention list is just over two weeks ahead. Please notify anniversaries as early as you can. Thanks.
Any changes to the above times caused, for example, by a funeral will be notified on the home page of this website.

Saturday 9 November  
Vigil Mass at 4.30pm
Sunday 10 November  
Sunday Mass at 10.00am

Sunday Mass at 11.30am

Monday 11 November  
Holy Mass at 10.00am Service of the Word at 10.00am
Tuesday 12 November  
Service of the Word at 10.00am Requiem Mass at 10.00am
Wednesday 13 November  
  Holy Mass at 10.00am
Thursday 14 November  
Service of the Word at 10.00am Service of the Word at 10.00am
Friday 15 November  
Service of the Word at 10.00am Requiem Mass at 10.00am
Saturday 16 November  
Vigil Mass at 4.30pm Holy Mass at 10.00am
Sunday 10 November  


Tea and Coffee after Holy Mass

Monday 11 November  

9.30 to 11.30am
5.30 to 6.30pm
6.30 to 7.30pm

Parents and Toddlers
Saint Vincent de Paul Society

Tuesday 12 November  
9.00 to 11.00am

Cardiac Rehabilitation
Ignatian Prayer Group

Wednesday 13 November  

9.30 to 11.30am
1.00 to 3.00pm
5.00 to 8.00pm

Parents and Toddlers
Knit and Knatter Group
Irish Dancing

Thursday 14 November  
Friday 15 November  
9.30 to 11.30am
Parents and Toddlers
Tea, coffee and chat in the Snug after Benediction

Please remember in your prayers:
Margaret Curran, Peter Kelly, Michael Spencer, Isobel Morrison, Sister Rosa Lima Flongdusit, William Armstrong and Oswald Schaeffer who died recently;
Father Cornelius Burke 1972, James Cummings 2005, Father Paul Felix 2016, Anne Ward 2018, Vivien Goldie 1998, Helen Gurney 2004, David Kelley, Henry Mons McIlroy 1966, Alec Murphy 1998, Annie Tracey 2000, Thomas Walsh 2002, James Cox, Canon John Donnelly 2003, Mary McCabe 1998, Peter McCourt 2009, James McGrath 2010, Daniel Murray 2006, Moira Shaw 1995, Bartholomew (Barney) Coby 2012, Mary Dalziel 2006, Helen Mallon 1987, Daniel McDougall 1944, Margaret McIntee 2017, Alex Miller 1979, James Smith 1999, William Cassidy 2012, Julie Anne MacLaren 2006, William Reilly, Rose Floyd 1992, Vivien Friel 2004, Canon Patrick Gunning 1987, Mary Harrigan 2016, Karen Small 2015, Hugh Welsh 1986, Robert McGee 1996, Margaret Ogilvie 2016, Francis Brady 1943, George Hilferty 2013, Hugh Madine 1997 and Letitia Smith 2001 whose anniversaries occur at this time and those who are sick.
If deceased members of your family are not on our anniversary list, please tell Father Duncan
, the parish office or contact WebsiteAuthor@SaintPeterinChains.net. If members of your family or friends are in need of our prayers, please tell Father Duncan or the parish office. If they are in hospital, Reverend Bill Corbett on 01292 521208 - assisted each week by the priest on call - is the chaplain to Crosshouse Hospital and can be contacted through the ward. Ayr Hospital and the Ayrshire Hospice have an on-call chaplaincy.

Sunday Mass times in Saint Peter's are 5.30pm Vigil and 10.30am. Sunday Mass times in other local parishes can be seen here.

The Sacrament of Forgiveness is celebrated on Saturdays between 4.45 and 5.15 pm and at other times on request.

Next weekend's readers are Marade Griffin at 5.30pm and Margaret Harvey at 10.30am.

Next weekend's musicians are George McGrattan at 5.30pm and Catherine Kerr and Catherine Boyd at 10.30am.

Next week's helpers are Jacqueline Waugh for the pre-fives, Linda Martin for Primaries 1, 2 and 3 and Andrena Hughes and Frances Gemmell for Primary 4.

Please pray for the Repose of the Soul of Isobel Morrison, who died on Sunday 3 November 2019. She will be received into Church on Tuesday 12 November at 6.00pm. Her Requiem Mass on Wednesday 13 November at 10.00am will be followed by her interment at Ardrossan Cemetery. May she rest in peace and rise in glory.

He was very old now but could still hold himself stiffly at attention before the monument. His war, the one to end all wars, was now just a fading part of history. Very few could remember, first-hand, the savageness of the ordeal that had sent millions of young men to their deaths - cannon fodder, they'd called them, sent before the guns to be mown down, blown apart by chunks of metal which had decimated their frail bodies. The cream of a generation was almost wiped out. He was haunted by the faces of the boys he'd had to order into battle, the ones who'd never come back. Yet one nameless ghost was able to bring a measure of comfort to his tormented mind. At the sound of the gun signalling the eleventh hour, he was mentally transported back to the fields of Flanders. The battle had raged for over two hours with neither side gaining any advantage. Wave after wave of soldiers had been dispatched from the muddy trenches and sent over the top. So many had died already that day that he decided he could not afford to lose any more men before reinforcements arrived. Perhaps they'd give the remnants a few more days of life. There came a slight lull in the battle due to the sheer exhaustion of the men on both sides. During this interval, a young soldier came up to him requesting that he be allowed to go over the top. He looked at the boy who couldn't have been more than nineteen. Was this extreme bravery in the face of the enemy or was the soldier so scared he just needed to get it over with? "Why would you want to throw your life away soldier? It's almost certain death to go out there." "My best friend went out over an hour ago, Captain, and he hasn't come back. I know my friend must be hurt and calling for me. I must go to him, sir, I must." There were tears in the boy's eyes. It was as if this were the most important thing in the world to him." "Soldier, I'm sorry, but your friend is probably dead. What purpose would it serve to let you sacrifice your life too?" "At least I'd know I'd tried, sir, he'd do the same thing in my shoes. I know he would." He was about to order the boy back to the ranks but the impact of his words softened his heart. He remembered the awful pain he'd felt himself when his brother had died. He'd never had the chance to say goodbye. "All right soldier, you can go." Despite the horror all around them, he saw a radiant smile on the boy's face as if a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders. "God bless you, sir," said the soldier. It was a long time before the guns fell silent for the last time and each side was allowed to gather their dead and wounded. The captain remembered the young soldier. He looked through the many piles of bodies of young men - so many as to give an unreal quality to the scene before him. When he came to the makeshift hospital, he looked carefully through the casualties. He soon found himself before the prone body of the soldier, alive, but severely wounded. He knelt down beside the young man and gently laid a hand on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry, son. I knew I was wrong to let you go." "Oh no, sir. I'm glad you did and I'm glad you're here now so I can thank you. You see sir, I found my friend. He was badly wounded, but I was able to comfort him at the end. As I held him dying in my arms, he looked me in the eyes and said: "I knew you'd come." The young soldier faded between consciousness and oblivion for some time before he finally slipped away. The captain stayed by his side until the end, tears streaming quietly down his cheeks. Only in war could the happy endings be so terribly sad. As the bugle sounded The Last Post, the old captain envisioned once again the young soldier's face. Looking up, he could almost hear the stone monument calling out to him "I knew you'd come."

After a morning Mass, a mother with a fidgety seven-year-old boy told her Parish Priest how she finally got her son to sit still and be quiet. About halfway through the sermon, she leaned over and whispered 'If you don't be quiet, the priest is going to lose his place and will have to start his sermon all over again!' It worked!

C S Lewis thought that purgatory and praying for the dead were sensible doctrines. "I believe in purgatory" Lewis states in one of his letters in which he also notes "Of course, I pray for the dead. The action is so spontaneous, so all but inevitable, that only the most compulsive theological case against it would deter me. And I hardly know how the rest of my prayers would survive if those for the dead were forbidden. At our age the majority of those we love best are dead. What sort of intercourse with God could I have if what I love best were unmentionable to Him?" Lewis notes that purgatory is a way to prepare our own souls - and anyone who truly loves God ought to desire for the sake of that love such a time for preparation. "Our souls demand Purgatory, don't they?" Lewis asks. "Would it not break the heart if God said to us 'It is true, my son, that your breath smells and your rags drip with mud and slime but we are charitable here and no one will upbraid you with these things, nor draw away from you. Enter into the joy?" Should we not reply "With submission, Sir, and if there is no objection, I'd rather be cleaned first." "It may hurt, you know". "Even so, Sir."

On Monday 11 November, all parents of primary seven pupils are invited to visit our local Catholic Secondary School. The evening will run from 7.00 to 9.00pm. The meeting will consist of visits to departments and the opportunity to speak with class teachers and members of Senior Management. Saint Matthew's Academy has recently been evaluated as Very Good by Education Scotland and exam results in 2019 were among the highest the school has achieved since opening in 2007. This is an excellent opportunity to visit our Catholic Secondary School and experience first hand the high quality Catholic ethos which benefits all young people in our community.

This Sunday, 10 November is the celebration of Remembrance Sunday. There will be a special Remembrance Day Service at the Evangelical Union Church in Glasgow Street at 1.00pm, followed by special prayers led by
Father Duncan at the Garden of Remembrance

Last weekend's Offertory collection amounted to £641.25 and the Maintenance Fund collection to £243.49 - thanks very much. The Organ Fund stands at £7241.13 - many thanks for all your support and generosity!

CHANA would like to provide Christmas presents for those in the hostels and supported accommodation this year. We are appealing for gift sets of toiletries, new pyjamas, hats and gloves, mostly for men. Please use the CHANA box provided or hand them in to the Ardrossan Hostel in Princes Street. Thanks once again for your continued generosity.

Can you help by giving two hours of your time for a collection at Tesco in Saltcoats or Irvine on Thursday, Friday or Saturday 21 to 23 November? If you can, please phone Danny on 07979 542319. Thank you!

SPRED Galloway invites you to its Saint Andrew's Night Ceilidh and Disco in Saint Paul's Church Hall, Ayr on Saturday 30 November from 7.30 to 11.00pm. A light supper will be provided and please bring your own bottle. Tickets cost £10.00 and family tickets also available. Please see the poster at the back of the Church. SPRED contacts are 01292 738068 and info@spredgalloway.org.uk.

If you have excellent communication and facilitation skills and experience of working and communicating with young people between the ages of seven and twenty-five, we would love to hear from you. You will be responsible for the promotion, development, support for and co-ordination of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Scotland's youth work. The salary for a thirty hour week is £21840 to £24960 depending on experience. For further information about the Society and its work and to view the job description and personal specification, please visit www.ssvpscotland.com. To apply, email your curriculum vitae and cover letter with examples how your skills and experiences fit the person specification for this role to officemanager@ssvpscotland.com. The closing date is 17 November. Interviews will be held on Monday 2 December 2019.

If a member of your family or a friend is sick, please let us know and give us the details. Deacon Bill Corbett (01292 521208, 07904 248948, Rev.BillCorbett@btinternet.com) is the haplain to Crosshouse Hospital and is assisted by the priest on call each week.

Tea and coffee will be served after the 10.30am Mass next Sunday in the Parish Centre by Maria's team.

Are you visiting us for Holy Mass? Please know that you are very welcome. During the 10.30 am Holy Mass outwith holidays, there is a Children’s Liturgy provided for preschool children, children in Primaries 1 to 3 and a Sacramental Programme for children in Primary 4. After the 10.30am Holy Mass, tea, coffee cakes and buns are available in the Parish Centre. At both of our weekend Holy Masses, we have a second collection for Church maintenance.

Our advertisers would welcome your support. We are grateful for their continuing sponsorship. We are grateful for the support of Mr and Mrs Sohal, Nisa Stores, Glasgow Street for the weekly donation of tea, coffee and milk for the Sunday teas.

The Catholic Church in Scotland is concerned with the lives, safety, wholeness and well-being of each individual person within God's purpose for everyone. It seeks to safeguard the welfare of people of all ages who are involved in whatever capacity
with the Church and its organisations. As a Church community, we accept that it is the responsibility of all of us, ordained, professed, paid and voluntary members, to work together to prevent the physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect of children, young people and vulnerable adults.